Byodoin Phoenix Hall and Kimono Walking Attractions

Located in Uji City, Kyoto Prefecture, Byodoin Phoenix Hall attracts many tourists because of its beauty and historical value.

It is a masterpiece of Heian-period Buddhist architecture and was inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 1994.

This article details the charms of Byodoin Phoenix Hall from the perspective of a kimono walk.

History and Features of Byodoin Phoenix Hall

Byodoin was originally built as a villa for Fujiwara no Michinaga, and was later remodeled as a temple by his son, Yorimichi.

The Phoenix Hall is its central building, completed in 1053.

Its name comes from the phoenix (a legendary Chinese bird) attached to the roof of the building.

The building is unique in that it was built to float on a pond, and its reflection on the surface of the water is extremely beautiful.

Inside the hall, a statue of Amida Nyorai, a national treasure, is enshrined, and its elaborate carvings and colors fascinate visitors.

Charm of Kimono Stroll

Kimono strolling is especially recommended when visiting Byodoin Hōōōdō.

The beautiful patterns and delicate weave of the kimono, a traditional Japanese costume, are in perfect harmony with the historical buildings and gardens.

Walking around in a kimono will give you the feeling of stepping back in time.

Key Points for Kimono Rentals

Below are some points to consider when using kimono rentals.

Make reservations in advance

We recommend making reservations in advance, as popular rental stores get crowded, especially on weekends and holidays.

You can make reservations by phone, through our Instagram page, or online through our “Contact” page.

Choose your favorite design

Our rental store offers a wide variety of kimono designs according to the season and your personal taste.

Choose the design that suits you best.

Use of Dressing Service

We offer a free dressing service to our customers who rent kimonos.

With professional dressing, you can wear a kimono beautifully.

As an option, we also offer a hair-set service and a variety of wonderful rental accessories.

Kimono Walking Course

Here are some recommended courses for walking around Byodoin Houou-do Hall wearing kimono.

Byodoin Phoenix Hall

First, visit the Byodoin Phoenix Hall and enjoy its beauty.

The reflection of the Phoenix Hall in the pond is truly a spectacular sight.

Walk slowly through the temple grounds and admire the statue of Amida Nyorai in the hall.

Stroll along the Uji River

After leaving Byodoin Phoenix Hall, take a walk along the Uji River.

You can enjoy the scenery while listening to the murmuring of the river.

Take a break at a teahouse

During your stroll, you may want to enjoy a cup of Uji’s famous green tea.

There are many teahouses along the river where you can taste delicious matcha green tea and Japanese sweets.

Uji Bridge

Uji Bridge, which spans the Uji River, is a spot where you can enjoy the elegant scenery.

The view of the Uji River from the bridge is ideal for photography.

Uji Shrine and Ujigami Shrine

If you have time, visit Uji Shrine and Ujigami Shrine.

Both shrines have a long history and are attractive for their beautiful architecture and quiet atmosphere.

Manners in Kimono

There are several manners to follow when strolling around in a kimono. Below are some points to keep in mind.

Be careful how you walk

When walking in a kimono, it is important to walk with small strides. If you walk with large thighs, you may step on the hem.

Manners for taking pictures

Many people take pictures at tourist spots. Please be sure to behave in such a manner so as not to disturb others.

Handling Kimonos

Kimonos are delicate fabrics. When eating or resting, care should be taken not to get them dirty.

Places to visit around Byodoin Phoenix Hall

There are many other attractions in the area around Byodoin Phoenix Hall. Some of the recommended spots are listed below.

Uji City Tale of Genji Museum

This museum has a wide range of exhibits related to “The Tale of Genji,” a masterpiece of the Heian period (794-1185).

Visitors can experience the world of the story.

Uji Tea Ceremony Hall

Uji is known as one of the leading tea-producing areas in Japan.

At the Uji Tea Ceremony Hall, visitors can learn how to make powdered green tea and experience an authentic tea ceremony.

Tonojima Island

A small island in the Uji River where you can see historical stone pagodas as well as beautiful gardens.


Byodoin Phoenix Hall is a place that attracts many tourists because of its beauty and historical value.

Especially, walking around the temple wearing a kimono, visitors can enjoy the harmony with the historical buildings and scenery, and feel as if they have time-traveled back to the Heian period (794-1192).

Uji City is also full of kimono rental stores, teahouses, and other tourist attractions that will keep you entertained all day long.

When visiting Byodoin Phoenix Hall and the surrounding area, be sure to wear a kimono and enjoy this special experience.